Below are links to sites with study guides and practice tests for the amateur radio technician level license. The test has 35 multiple choice questions and you must get at least 26 correct to pass the test and earn your license.
The license is given frequently around the Atlanta area. Click HERE for an online search form to see where the exam is being given in your area in the near future.
- -- flashcards with exam test questions for you to practice
- -- excellent study guides. The PDF study guides are free to download
- -- practice test generator for the questions on the technician level exam
- -- practice test generator. Be sure to choose 2014 Technician Exam Practice Test
- -- practice test generator. Choose Technician
- -- this site costs a few dollars for a two year subscription but does a good job of tutoring on the material for the exam
- technician license exam question pool -- these are the roughly 400 questions from which the 35 questions on the technician level exam will be pulled. It does not have the answers. One study method is to research and find the answers to the questions in the pool.
A simple Google search for "HAM technician exam" will pull up many more resources. There are also several good Apple and Android apps that will generate practice tests and study guides.